Claire & Morag's fundraising event |
Once I found out I had secured a place on the Kili Expedition my main fear was not the training but the mammoth task of raising a lot of money! However I continue to be amazed and touched at the generosity of local businesses, schools, artists, family and friends and am now thoroughly enjoying organising and hosting some fab charity events!
Morag and I held a great charity dinner and auction, raising £3000. The trick with this was to keep it local, and involve local people including musicians, artists, and businesses who want to support Macmillan at the same time as well as promoting themselves.
Our next event is a cookery demo featuring seasonal berries and champagne and tickets are selling fast! I have also arranged a series of events at our village primary school in Wymeswold. They have chosen Macmillan as their charity for this coming year! We’re having a kids sponsored “Mile for Macmillan” followed by a Campout in the village field complete with BBQ, tuck shop and bar! They’re then taking part in the national Macmillan Dress up and Dance day.
It’s worth looking at the national Macmillan events and seeing if your local school/village hall are willing to support you in this way. Not much organisation involved yet a good return! Another good idea is to contact Macmillan about local speakers who can help by holding an assembly at school for example. Closer to work, we are looking forward to our monthly cake sale and a few other things too. Watch this space...!
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