Store location: Sheffield Crystal Peaks
What are you reasons for doing this challenge? To help support a great charity, many people suffer from or help support somebody fighting cancer and the thought that I can be a part of this charity and people get help or inspiration from the hard work I am putting in fundraising and training makes it all worthwhile for me.
Do you have any Top Tips (e.g. fundraising, training)?
Fundraising ideas so far,
*Car boot sale, get rid of all that old tat!
*Fancy dress
*Charity walk/bike ride
*Coffee afternoon
*Exercise bike in store and encourage donations in return for your distance travelled
*Raffle for food hamper, ask for food donations from friends/family/colleagues and make a hamper out of it then raffle of the hamper
*Bag packing at local supermarket
*Pub quiz evening
*Share on social networking sites as much as you can
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